Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To investigate the organization of social science research in the United Kingdom
Main Topics: Variables Numbers and type of staff currently attached to Dept/Unit, whether employed full or part-time and by whom salaried, whether Dept/Unit has included any staff engaged on social science research in last two years, type of contract, proportion of time spent on research, number of men and women. Which media have been used to communicate results of research (e.g. scientific journals, seminars and conferences), Dept's/Unit's expenditure on research in most recent financial year, sources of funding and percentage from each, comparison of Dept's/ Unit's size with three years ago, expected size in three years time Five most recent completed social science research projects: type of research and how initiated, main source of funds, number of professional man-years involved in project, whether any parts of surveys were sub-contracted, type of computer facilities and programs used, intended audience, year in which completed, sex of project director, age of project director at completion, whether results were submitted for higher degree (Departments only)
No sampling (total universe)
Postal survey