The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different media during an average day. In 1982 the respondents were asked if they had been doing any of the following the day before: watching video, listening to record player or tape recorder. If so, they were asked for how long period. They were also asked if the had been reading any of the following the day before: morning paper, evening paper, weekly magazine or any other magazine, or book. If so, they were asked how many and for how long period. Respondents answering that they did not read any weekly magazine or other magazine the day before were asked if they had been reading any during the last week. The respondents were also asked about their radio listening habits. Background variables includes information on age, gender, education, occupation, and household composition. Purpose: Describe the trends and changes in people's use of mass media.
Mediebarometern genomfördes första gången 1979 och har sedan dess genomförts varje år. Undersökningen avser att belysa hur stor andel av den svenska befolkningen som en genomsnittlig dag tagit del av ett antal enskilda medier. Syftet är att beskriva tendenser och förändringar i människors utnyttjande av massmedier. Syfte: Beskriva tendenser och förändringar i människors nyttjande av massmedier.
Urvalet är riksomfattande och slumpmässigt, draget från registret över totalbefolkningen, och omfattar personer födda 1903-1973.
Probability: Simple random
Sannolikhetsurval: obundet slumpmässigt urval
Telephone interview