Turkish şarkı vocal dataset: version 1


Turkish şarkı vocal dataset is a collection of recordings of compositions from the vocal form şarkı. The recordings are selected from a musicBrainz collection of Turkish music: /n/nhttp://musicbrainz.org/collection/544f7aec-dba6-440c-943f-103cf344efbb. /n/n The collection has annotations with lyrics. Each lyrical phrase is aligned to its corresponding segment in the audio. It features 10 performances of different compositions. Five are sung by male and 5 by female singer. The recordings are selected so that there is only a single main vocalist (or the intensity of the back vocalst is relatively low compared to the main vocalist). Accompanying instruments are mainly string ensembles. No percussive instruments are present. Audio is in .wav format./n- Lyrical phrases annotations-/n /nThe audio is segmented into one-section chunks (a section is nakarat, meyan etc.)/nEach audio segment is aligned to the lyrical phrases. A phrase corresponds roughly to a musical bar and contains 1 or 2 words. /n/nAn annotation file is in .TextGrid format of Praat.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34810/data447
Metadata Access https://dataverse.csuc.cat/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34810/data447
Creator CompMusic
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference European Commission 267583
Rights Custom Dataset Terms; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://dataverse.csuc.cat/api/datasets/:persistentId/versions/1.0/customlicense?persistentId=doi:10.34810/data447
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Textual data; Dataset
Format audio/mpeg; text/plain; audio/vnd.wave; application/octet-stream; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/plain; charset=UTF-8; application/pdf; text/tab-separated-values; application/json; image/png
Size 3968251; 252; 342; 5802732; 669; 744; 4955108; 4025488; 1594581; 1039; 41; 3627080; 1170; 3605312; 4676724; 796; 3618372; 798; 794; 3705456; 3635792; 305; 344; 38734892; 914; 40; 3685864; 917; 3644500; 2691536; 221; 277; 4006987; 613; 733; 4159628; 223; 388; 1778697; 218; 286; 4412951; 167; 249; 36880428; 930542; 1029; 35; 2898708; 1035; 2826308; 2846935; 785; 32; 2819196; 1027; 2883192; 1033; 3030584; 908; 2996968; 237; 244; 23003180; 907; 30; 2530880; 905; 2353108; 1319666; 1025; 34; 2831476; 1031; 2715316; 3811050; 1024; 2816956; 903; 2352312; 2482992; 1156; 2541076; 317; 10959144; 32292908; 31; 2722576; 2620936; 1178; 937; 64; 6698904; 5231509; 1054; 63; 5681560; 1056; 6851620; 6794208; 18966; 181; 259; 14441; 40854572; 1180; 66; 2744364; 6811432; 6857360; 3605785; 254; 320; 2288807; 250; 337; 3606984; 1418834; 1037; 39; 1976064; 911; 1739176; 3935986; 790; 1920496; 915; 38; 1828860; 1034; 1520808; 1943892; 1752824; 910; 37; 1800592; 366; 488; 34693676; 904; 29; 1817164; 900; 1774268; 2633243; 311; 3325796; 960937; 913; 95624; 1279; 2463984; 95212; 1277; 2478004; 2905953; 111266; 1041; 42; 2835144; 1289; 94322; 799; 2421928; 96063; 1045; 2476668; 1412; 93379; 550; 46; 2411248; 302; 357; 539136; 23749676; 670; 90299; 1163; 2332476; 92853; 1164; 2387216; 1128033; 3377804; 3277256; 3807234; 918; 3500344; 1046; 3289040; 3393512; 1043; 3322028; 272; 316; 1406688; 27952172; 1042; 3087944; 1044; 3197916; 1923564; 1906848; 1868496; 1919632; 653; 26; 1964376; 657; 27; 1890132; 1512016; 1520372; 4318872; 35000364; 781; 1931432; 658; 28; 1925532; 1933400; 1461372; 660; 1464812; 652; 1456452; 1494804; 780; 1518408; 625; 677; 35000426; 34993196; 654; 1945448; 655; 1962900; 1472432; 1459404; 6347204; 1657668; 779; 1679572; 3011239; 25987116; 1524764; 1150; 1530608; 1032; 1507240; 1030; 1556896; 1152; 1533528; 786; 1534988; 415; 470; 25987178; 862808; 25979948; 899; 1509064; 784; 1565656; 1551052; 782; 1503588; 140; 51189; 138; 21067; 35235884; 23756844; 15671340; 35412012; 791; 44; 1016876; 793; 1120300; 3094084; 164; 1548; 11; 44663; 154; 173; 13159; 141; 145536; 116; 20273; 192; 45907; 242; 422; 23515; 260; 42694; 235437; 133; 168; 15019; 149; 3068653; 165; 1579; 144735; 99; 17803; 251; 43497; 117; 9853; 48139; 204; 346; 13817; 196232; 171063; 52329; 18796; 180; 42823; 224548; 102; 170; 32464; 136771; 115; 19264; 151980; 12049; 5583; 38742060; 46703; 206; 348; 19362; 47326; 212; 14561; 137975; 182951; 131; 8617
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities; Music