Testing Reflexive Practitioner Dialogues: Capacities for Socio-Technical Integration in Meditation Research


Over the last two decades, policies and research programs advancing socio-technical integration have been introduced across the globe to incorporate societal considerations into research and development practices. In consequence, technoscientific practitioners find themselves in a tension between taking responsibility to respond to ethical and societal issues while operating in wider institutional and political structures which enable and constrain their agency. We study practitioners’ capacities for navigating this tension through reflexive engagement with socio-technical integration. We focus on mindfulness researchers because they actively pursue integrative activities to maintain their hybrid role identity. They perceive frictions between their scientific and their contemplative selves within the new public management regime in the academy. We examine how they enact various forms of socio-technical integration in work-related decision-making to engage with these frictions. In two online workshops, we invited mindfulness researchers to collaboratively engage with impending decisions in reflexive practitioner dialogues guided by the decision protocol of Socio-Technical-Integration Research (STIR) and conducted follow-up interviews about their experiences thereof. Our data set comprises eight files, among which there are four types of transcripts pertaining to each workshop: transcripts of (1) online workshops, (2) practitioner dialogues (also referred to as reflection exercises), (3) interviews, (4) STIR decision grids. We completed the decision grids based on audio-recorded practitioner dialogues in preparation for the interviews.

Microsoft Word, 16.49

In addition to the data, the files also include a document for data documentation, which provides further information about methodology, data collection, data processing, file naming, and research participants.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34894/ZG5GMB
Metadata Access https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/ZG5GMB
Creator Mareike Smolka ORCID logo; Erik Fisher ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Chip Marshall; Sven Assink; Maastricht University (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences); Mareike Smolka; Erik Fisher; Lea Pehnt; Elinor Karl
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference European Mind & Life Institute Grant # 2019EVA-Smolka, Mareike
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
OpenAccess false
Contact Chip Marshall (Maastricht University); Sven Assink (Maastricht University)
Resource Type Workshop transcripts; Dataset
Format application/pdf
Size 456614; 1308588; 741948; 752300; 228975; 1604555; 1195276; 1282464; 212139
Version 3.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences