This dataset is supplementary material to "What controls the presence and characteristics of aftershocks in rock fracture in the lab?" by Joern Davidsen, Thomas H. W. Goebel, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Sergei Stanchits, Jordi Baro and Georg Dresen (Davidsen et al., 2021).
The dataset contains source parameters of acoustic emission events recorded during triaxial fracture and friction (stick-slip) experiments performed on two Westerly Granite samples, Aue Granite and Flechtigen Sandstone. Basic seismic catalog associated with each experiment contains origin time, hypocentral location in local Cartesian coordinate system of the sample, acoustic-emission derived magnitude and polarity coefficient (a simplified measure of mechanism type: shear, pore opening or collapse). Extended catalog information is available for selected experiments including information whether event is background seismicity, trigger of following events or triggered by preceding events. In addition, we provide information on focal mechanisms calculated in each experiment using full moment tensor inversion. Focal mechanism catalogs include information on strike, dip and rake of two nodal planes, and percentage of isotropic, clvd and double-couple components of the full moment tensor.
The detailed description of catalog is provided in the data description file which is also included in the zip folder of the data.