This data set is Part 2 of the compiles whole-rock chemical data for late-Variscan low-F biotite and two-mica granites in the German Erzgebirge, in the Saxothuringian Zone of the Variscan Orogen.
The group of F-poor biotite granites is represented by the composite massifs of Kirchberg and Niederbobritzsch, the Plohn Granite Suite (PGS), the Aue Granite Suite (AGS), and the subsurface granites of Beiersdorf und Bernsbach. For the group of two-mica granites, compositional data for the multi-stage Bergen massif and the granites from Lauter and Schwarzenberg are reported (Figure 1). Crystal-melt fractionation was the dominant process controlling the evolution of bulk composition in the course of massif/pluton formation. However, metasomatic and hydrothermal processes involving late-stage residual melts and high-T late- to post-magmatic fluids became increasingly more important in highly evolved units and have variably modified the abundances of mobile elements. Interaction with the various metamorphic country rocks and infiltration of meteoric low-T fluids have further disturbed the initial chemical patterns in the endocontact zones and zones influenced by surface weathering.
The data set reports whole-rock geochemical analyses for enclaves, granites, aplites, endocontact rocks, and some facial varieties. The data are presented as Excel (xlsx) and machine-readable txt formats. The content of the excel sheet and further information on the granites and regional geology are provided in the data description file.