This database contains all available data from the 2008 soil study in NE-Brazil. Soils were sampled in four interlinked E - W transects (A and B) plus a shorter transect in the driest part of Paraíba state (C transect) from the coast inland. Three layers were sampled in A and B: Litter from the surface avoiding mineral soil (ORG), the top 20 cm (TOP = 0-20 cm), and a deeper mineral soil layer (BOT = 30-50 cm). Transect C offers ORG and TOP samples. All samples were taken with discardable lab gloves. All mineral soil was sampled with Eijkelkamp soil augers. Litter samples were put into clean cotton bags; mineral soil double-bagged into labelled Rilsan® bags. Upon return to the university labs in Natal, all material was oven-dried and aliquoted (quartering). An aliquot each went to the Universities of Natal (UFRN) and Vicosa (Minas Gerais), the remainder transported to the Freiberg laboratories for all subsequent analytical work. See metadata file (.txt) for more details.