Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Background:The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset providing information about babies born at the beginning of the 21st century, their progress through life, and the families who are bringing them up, for the four countries of the United Kingdom. The original objectives of the first MCS survey, as laid down in the proposal to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in March 2000, were:to chart the initial conditions of social, economic and health advantages and disadvantages facing children born at the start of the 21st century, capturing information that the research community of the future will requireto provide a basis for comparing patterns of development with the preceding cohorts (the National Child Development Study, held at the UK Data Archive under GN 33004, and the 1970 Birth Cohort Study, held under GN 33229)to collect information on previously neglected topics, such as fathers' involvement in children's care and developmentto focus on parents as the most immediate elements of the children's 'background', charting their experience as mothers and fathers of newborn babies in the year 2000, recording how they (and any other children in the family) adapted to the newcomer, and what their aspirations for her/his future may beto emphasise intergenerational links including those back to the parents' own childhoodto investigate the wider social ecology of the family, including social networks, civic engagement and community facilities and services, splicing in geo-coded data when availableAdditional objectives subsequently included for MCS were:to provide control cases for the national evaluation of Sure Start (a government programme intended to alleviate child poverty and social exclusion)to provide samples of adequate size to analyse and compare the smaller countries of the United Kingdom, and include disadvantaged areas of EnglandFurther information about the MCS can be found on the Centre for Longitudinal Studies web pages.The content of MCS studies, including questions, topics and variables can be explored via the CLOSER Discovery website. The first sweep (MCS1) interviewed both mothers and (where resident) fathers (or father-figures) of infants included in the sample when the babies were nine months old, and the second sweep (MCS2) was carried out with the same respondents when the children were three years of age. The third sweep (MCS3) was conducted in 2006, when the children were aged five years old, the fourth sweep (MCS4) in 2008, when they were seven years old, the fifth sweep (MCS5) in 2012-2013, when they were eleven years old, the sixth sweep (MCS6) in 2015, when they were fourteen years old, and the seventh sweep (MCS7) in 2018, when they were seventeen years old.End User Licence versions of MCS studies:The End User Licence (EUL) versions of MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6 and MCS7 are held under UK Data Archive SNs 4683, 5350, 5795, 6411, 7464, 8156 and 8682 respectively. The longitudinal family file is held under SN 8172.Sub-sample studies:Some studies based on sub-samples of MCS have also been conducted, including a study of MCS respondent mothers who had received assisted fertility treatment, conducted in 2003 (see EUL SN 5559). Also, birth registration and maternity hospital episodes for the MCS respondents are held as a separate dataset (see EUL SN 5614).Release of Sweeps 1 to 4 to Long Format (Summer 2020)To support longitudinal research and make it easier to compare data from different time points, all data from across all sweeps is now in a consistent format. The update affects the data from sweeps 1 to 4 (from 9 months to 7 years), which are updated from the old/wide to a new/long format to match the format of data of sweeps 5 and 6 (age 11 and 14 sweeps). The old/wide formatted datasets contained one row per family with multiple variables for different respondents. The new/long formatted datasets contain one row per respondent (per parent or per cohort member) for each MCS family. Additional updates have been made to all sweeps to harmonise variable labels and enhance anonymisation. How to access genetic and/or bio-medical sample data from a range of longitudinal surveys:For information on how to access biomedical data from MCS that are not held at the UKDS, see the CLS Genetic data and biological samples webpage.Secure Access datasets:Secure Access versions of the MCS have more restrictive access conditions than versions available under the standard End User Licence or Special Licence (see 'Access data' tab above).Secure Access versions of the MCS include:detailed sensitive variables not available under EUL. These have been grouped thematically and are held under SN 8753 (socio-economic, accommodation and occupational data), SN 8754 (self-reported health, behaviour and fertility), SN 8755 (demographics, language and religion) and SN 8756 (exact participation dates). These files replace previously available studies held under SNs 8456 and 8622-8627detailed geographical identifier files which are grouped by sweep held under SN 7758 (MCS1), SN 7759 (MCS2), SN 7760 (MCS3), SN 7761 (MCS4), SN 7762 (MCS5 2001 Census Boundaries), SN 7763 (MCS5 2011 Census Boundaries), SN 8231 (MCS6 2001 Census Boundaries), SN 8232 (MCS6 2011 Census Boundaries), SN 8757 (MCS7), SN 8758 (MCS7 2001 Census Boundaries) and SN 8759 (MCS7 2011 Census Boundaries). These files replace previously available files grouped by geography SN 7049 (Ward level), SN 7050 (Lower Super Output Area level), and SN 7051 (Output Area level)linked education administrative datasets for Key Stages 1, 2 and 4 held under SN 8481 (England). This replaces previously available datasets for Key Stage 1 (SN 6862) and Key Stage 2 (SN 7712)linked education administrative datasets for Key Stage 1 held under SN 7414 (Scotland)linked education administrative dataset for Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 under SN 9085 (Wales)linked NHS Patient Episode Database for Wales (PEDW) for MCS1 – MCS5 held under SN 8302linked Scottish Medical Records data held under SNs 8709, 8710, 8711, 8712, 8713 and 8714;Banded Distances to English Grammar Schools for MCS5 held under SN 8394linked Health Administrative Datasets (Hospital Episode Statistics) for England for years 2000-2019 held under SN 9030linked Hospital of Birth data held under SN 5724.The linked education administrative datasets held under SNs 8481,7414 and 9085 may be ordered alongside the MCS detailed geographical identifier files only if sufficient justification is provided in the application. Users are also only allowed access to either 2001 or 2011 of Geographical Identifiers Census Boundaries studies. So for MCS5 either SN 7762 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 7763 (2011 Census Boundaries), for the MCS6 users are only allowed either SN 8231 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 8232 (2011 Census Boundaries); and the same applies for MCS7 so either SN 8758 (2001 Census Boundaries) or SN 8759 (2011 Census Boundaries).Researchers applying for access to the Secure Access MCS datasets should indicate on their ESRC Accredited Researcher application form the EUL dataset(s) that they also wish to access (selected from the MCS Series Access web page).
The seventh sweep of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS7) was carried out when the cohort members were 17 years old. As 17 is a key transitional age, the sweep purposefully focused on engaging with the cohort members themselves (in addition to their parents). MCS7 marks an important transitional time in the cohort members' lives, where educational and occupational paths can diverge significantly. It is also an important age in data collection terms since it may be the last sweep at which parents are interviewed and it is an age when direct engagement with the cohort members themselves rather than their families is crucial to the long term viability of the study. To reflect this, face-to-face interviews with the cohort members have been conducted for the first time. Cohort members were also asked to do a range of other activities including filling in a self-completion questionnaire on the interviewer's tablet, completing a cognitive assessment (number activity) and having their height, weight and body fat measurements taken. In addition, they were asked to complete a short online questionnaire after the visit. Parents were still interviewed at MCS7. Resident parents were asked to complete a household interview and a short online questionnaire, and one parent was asked to complete a Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) about the cohort member. Cohort members who were either unable or unwilling to complete the main survey were asked to complete a short follow up questionnaire online after the fieldwork finished. This contained some key questions and was designed to boost response and maintain engagement.For the second edition (March 2021), two new data files have been added (mcs7_cm_qualifications and mcs7_parent_derived), and five existing data files have been updated (mcs7_cm_derived, mcs7_cm_interview, mcs7_hhgrid, mcs7_parent_cm_interview, cs7_parent_interview). In addition the User Guide, the Derived Variables User Guide and the Longitudinal Data Dictionary have all been updated.
Main Topics:
Cohort Member interview (CAPI, CASI, CAWI): family and home lifeincome and employmenteducation and schoolinghealth and physical activityrelationships with familystrengths and difficulties questionnairepersonality and attitudesphysical and mental health and well-being relationships, sex and pregnancy risky behavioursidentityactivitiesrisk time and preferenceslearning and the future cognitive assessmentphysical Measurements Parent interview (paper, CAWI): strengths and difficulties questionnaireethnicityfamily situationcohort member's likelihood of going to universityrelationship with cohort memberhealthemployment and incomehousing tenuremental health For more information please see the questionnaires and the MCS7 User Guide.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Face-to-face interview: Computer-assisted (CAPI/CAMI)
Self-administered questionnaire: Computer-assisted (CASI)
Psychological measurements and tests
Physical measurements and tests