The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Follow-On (GRACE-FO) satellite mission, consisting of two satellites, each carry a magnetometer as part of its attitude orbit control system (AOCS). After careful calibration, the data acquired through them can be used for scientific purposes by removing artificial disturbances from other satellite payload systems. This dataset is based on the dataset provided by Michaelis et al. (2021, and uses a similar format. The platform magnetometer data has been calibrated against CHAOS-7 magnetic field model predictions for core, crustal and large-scale magnetospheric field (Finlay et al., 2020, and is provided in the ‘chaos’ folder. The calibration results using a Machine Learning approach are provided in the ‘calcorr’ folder. Michaelis’ dataset can be used as an extension to this dataset for additional information, as they are connected using the same timestamps to match and relate the same data points. The exact approach based on Machine Learning is described in the referenced publication. Additionally, in the folder ‚fac’, field-aligned current derived from the magnetic field data are provided.
There exists a similar dataset with calibrated magnetic data from the GOCE satellite mission under (Styp-Rekowski et al., 2022).