Geological fieldwork photographs Billefjorden August 2015


Geological fieldwork photographs of August 2015 excursion to Billefjorden. Day 1: boat journey onboard Polargirl (company: Polar Charter) from Longyearbyen to Pyramiden and walk to the megabreccia outcrop along the shore just east of Pyramiden (overnight at Pyramiden Hotel). Day 2: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Fortet, Wordiekammen, Ebbadalen, Allanbekken, and Rudmosepynten lykt; landing site: Rudmosepynten. Then walking away from the shore from Fortet over to Wordiekammen and Ebbadalen, and then back to the boat via Allanbekken and Rudmosepynten Lykt. Day 3: trip by foot up the Pyramiden Mountain and along the western shore of Petuniabukta to Mumien and back to Pyramiden. Day 4: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Ebbadalen and Skottehytta. Day 5: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Ebbadalen. Then hike to and along the southern flank of Løvehovden and Hultberget. Day 6: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Fortet and to the northern shore of Adolfbukta between Rudmosepynten and Allanbekken. Day 7: walk along the shore east of Pyramiden. Day 8: walk along the shore east of Pyramiden.

Metadata Access
Creator Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P. ORCID logo; Collombin, Maxime; Taule, Christoffer
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P.; University of Oslo
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference The Research Council of Norway 228107
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P. (University of Oslo)
Resource Type Geological fieldwork photographs of rocks and outcrops; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/zip
Size 3147; 126548503; 307992826; 56671922; 73428108; 589527727; 439148136; 1263985926; 405361802
Version 1.3
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geology; Geosciences; Geospheric Sciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (16.202W, 78.513S, 16.910E, 78.746N)