Synergistic Effect of Ligand-Cluster Structure and Support in Gold Nanocluster Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynes


Data for the research article titled: "Synergistic Effect of Ligand-Cluster Structure and Support in Gold Nanocluster Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynes"

Data used in the research article and its supporting information. The paper was published in the Nanoscale journal by RSC.


Rares, Banu, Adea Loxha, Nicole Müller, Stylianos Spyroglou, Egon Erwin Rosenberg, A.Eduardo Palomares, Fernando Rey, Carlo Marini, Noelia Barrabés∗


FWF via grant Elise Richter (V831-N); by the Spanish National Research Council for the project i-LINK 2023(ILINK23067) and the COST Action CA21101 COSY. We thank ALBA synchrotron for the beamtime. 

Context and methodology

In this article we report on the use of supported gold nanoclusters in the selective hydrogenation of alkynes to alkenes and investigate the support and pretreatment effect.

The dataset serves as a public resource and contains the data used in the manuscript and its supporting information.

The data was acquired by using different analytical methods, including various spectroscopies, and chromatographies.

Technical details

The files uploaded contain the measured XAFS, gas-chromatography, XRD, UV-Vis and MALDI-MS.

The OPJU files are graphs and can be opened with the Origin software

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Related Identifier IsVersionOf
Metadata Access
Creator Banu, Rares; Barrabés Rabanal, Noelia ORCID logo; Loxha, Adea ORCID logo; Pittenauer, Ernst (ORCID: 0000-0002-8409-802X); Sanchez Sanchez, Maria Cruz ORCID logo
Publisher Nanoscale
Publication Year 2025
Funding Reference FWF Austrian Science Fund 013tf3c58 ROR V831-N Elise Richter
OpenAccess true
Contact tudata(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0.0
Discipline Other