Survey on attitudes towards the government language policy in Ukraine (February 2021)


The face-to-face survey was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in cooperation with the Centre for Political Sociology in the period 16-27 February 2021.<br><br>The dataset includes questions about Ukrainians' opinion on the introduction of compulsory usage of Ukrainian language in services; violation of the rights of people speaking different languages in everyday life; questions on foreign policy orientations and party preferences are provided for cross-tabs.<br><br>A total of 2003 respondents were interviewed using a sample representative of the adult population of Ukraine (excluding the occupied territories). The sample is representative in terms of gender, age, type of settlement and region of residence. The maximum random sampling error does not exceed 2.2%.<br><br>This data collection contains the original survey data. The SPSS file (.sav) is the original file. It has been exported into an Excel file. The content of the respective xlsx-file is identical with the original sav-file. The sav-file contains the questions and answer options of the original questionnaire in Ukrainian. This data collection also contains the original Ukrainian questionnaire and an English translation of the original questionnaire as separate pdf-files. Additionally, this data collection contains a file with selected results in English which originally were published on the DIF website (

Metadata Access
Creator Center for Political Sociology (Kyiv), Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (Kyiv)
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SerhiiShapovalov(at)
Publication Year 2024
Rights Attribution: Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 586 Bytes
Version 2024-05-20T09:27:59.668+02:00
Discipline Humanities