Mesoscale eddies over sloping topography


This dataset includes output from idealized simulations with the ocean model BLOM (Bergen Layered Ocean Model, the ocean component of NorESM) for the last 5-years of 15-year long simulations in two horizontal resolutions. In addition to the output, we also provide the namelist files (*limits) as well as initial conditions, and restarts for the years 10 and 15 of the simulation. There are altogether 9 high-resolution simulations, named exp1-exp9, and the archived variables are temperature (temp), layer pressure thickness (dp), layer thickness (dz), velocity components (uvel, vvel), as well as mass and heat transport components (uflx, vflx, and uflx and vhflx, respectively) with daily frequency. In addition to the high-resolution simulations, there are altogether 9 coarse-resolution cases which correspond to exp3, exp6, and exp9 with 3 different eddy parameterization versions for each case ([i] 2d eddy diffusivity, [ii] as [i] but with the topographic Rhines scale included, [iii] as [ii] but with the eddy efficiency included).

In addition to the idealized BLOM experiments, we provide the OMIP-II experiments using the global sea ice - ocean configuration of NorESM (BLOM+CICE). There are altogether 13 experiments: a control and 12 perturbation experiments discussed in Table 3 of the related manuscript and its supporting information.

With this data, it will be possible to reconstruct the analysis done in the two related papers.

Metadata Access
Creator Nummelin, Aleksi
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences