We have installed 19 new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) markers in the Hindu Kush (NE-Afghanistan) and the North Pamir front (Alai valley) and measured a total of 25 new and existing markers, if possible annually between 2014 and 2020 in survey mode. The stations are positioned along three profiles crossing the NE-striking Panjsheer fault and N-striking Badakhshan fault in the Hindu Kush, and the E-striking Pamir thrust system at the Trans Alai Range. The Hindu Kush survey data are the first of their kind in Afghanistan. The Pamir profile densifies a 1 Hz-GNSS profile that was installed in the Altyndara valley in 2013-2015; the GNSS time-series are affected by the 2015 Mw7.2 Sarez, Central Pamir, earthquake and probably the 2016 Mw6.4 Sary-Tash earthquake. The data are presented in receiver independent exchange (RNX) format and complemented by logsheets, field photos and a technical report describing the surveys in more detail.
The markers are 100 mm long stainless steel rods of 8 mm diameter drilled and glued into bedrock. Marker positions were measured for nearly 48 hrs per measurements at a sampling rate of 30 s. For each profile, we collected data roughly in the same time of the year to minimize seasonal signal contributions. In Afghanistan, we used Trimble NetR9 receiver and Trimble Zephyr Geodetic 2 antenna (TRM57971.00 ) on a leveled spike mount with a fixed height of 12.2 cm. In the Pamir, we used a Topcon GP-1000 receiver and a Topcon TPSPG_A1 antenna on a 15 cm long spike mount that was leveled by three additional screws, providing horizontal adjustment for the table embracing the central spike. In all surveys the antenna cable plug was oriented towards North whenever possible.
Measurement conditions were archived on paper log sheets and photographs. Trimble and Topcon proprietary data formats were converted to ASCII-files using the Trimble software "runpkr00", and then into exchangeable RINEX data using the software "TEQC" (https://doi.org/10.1007/PL00012778), which can be downloaded from the UNAVCO webpage. At a last stage, mandatory metadata - e.g. antenna and receiver types, marker names, antenna offsets - were added to the header information of the RINEX files.
The presented data include daily observations in Receiver INdependent EXchange (RINEX) format. These are organized in yearly and daily folders ("RNX/YYYY/DOI/"). Further documentation is found in the technical report ("ReportFieldWork.pdf") with additional details regarding the installation and (re-)measurement of the network, logsheets documenting additional survey parameters ("logsheets") and example pictures taken during data acquisition ("photos").