Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of cold-water corals and commercially important deep-sea fishes in the North Atlantic


We used environmental niche modelling along with the best available species occurrence data and environmental parameters to model habitat suitability for key cold-water coral and commercially important deep-sea fish species under present-day (1951-2000) environmental conditions and to forecast changes under severe, high emissions future (2081-2100) climate projections (RCP8.5 scenario) for the North Atlantic Ocean (from 18°N to 76°N and 36°E to 98°W). The VME indicator taxa included Lophelia pertusa , Madrepora oculata, Desmophyllum dianthus, Acanela arbuscula, Acanthogorgia armata, and Paragorgia arborea. The six deep-sea fish species selected were: Coryphaenoides rupestris, Gadus morhua, blackbelly Helicolenus dactylopterus, Hippoglossoides platessoides, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, and Sebastes mentella. We used an ensemble modelling approach employing three widely-used modelling methods: the Maxent maximum entropy model, Generalized Additive Models, and Random Forest. This dataset contains: 1) Predicted habitat suitability index under present-day (1951-2000) and future (2081-2100; RCP8.5) environmental conditions for twelve deep-sea species in the North Atlantic Ocean, using an ensemble modelling approach. 2) Climate-induced changes in the suitable habitat of twelve deep-sea species in the North Atlantic Ocean, as determined by binary maps built with an ensemble modelling approach and the 10-percentile training presence logistic (10th percentile) threshold. 3) Forecasted present-day suitable habitat loss (value=-1), gain (value=1), and acting as climate refugia (value=2) areas under future (2081-2100; RCP8.5) environmental conditions for twelve deep-sea species in the North Atlantic Ocean. Areas were identified from binary maps built with an ensemble modelling approach and two thresholds: 10-percentile training presence logistic threshold (10th percentile) and maximum sensitivity and specificity (MSS). Refugia areas are those areas predicted as suitable both under present-day and future conditions. All predictions were projected with the Albers equal-area conical projection centred in the middle of the study area. The grid cell resolution is of 3x3 km.

Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Morato, Telmo ORCID logo; González-Irusta, José Manuel (ORCID: 0000-0002-3948-604X); Domínguez-Carrió, Carlos; Wei, C; Davies, A ORCID logo; Sweetman, Andrew K ORCID logo; Taranto, A H; Beazley, Lindsay ORCID logo; García-Alegre, A; Grehan, Anthony J ORCID logo; Laffargue, P ORCID logo; Javier Murillo, F; Sacau, M ORCID logo; Vaz, S ORCID logo; Kenchington, Ellen L ORCID logo; Arnaud-Haond, Sophie ORCID logo; Callery, Oisín; Chimienti, G; Cordes, E ORCID logo; Egilsdottir, Hronn; Freiwald, André; Gasbarro, R ORCID logo; Gutierrez-Zárate, C; Gianni, M ORCID logo; Gilkinson, Kent; Wareham Hayes, V E; Hebbeln, Dierk ORCID logo; Hedges, K; Henry, Lea Anne; Johnson, Devin S; Koen-Alonso, M; Lirette, C; Mastrototaro, F ORCID logo; Menot, Lenaick ORCID logo; Molodtsova, Tina ORCID logo; Durán Muñoz, P ORCID logo; Orejas, Covadonga ORCID logo; Pennino, Maria Grazia ORCID logo; Puerta, P ORCID logo; Ragnarsson, Stefan Aki; Ramiro-Sánchez, Berta ORCID logo; Rice, J; Rivera, Jaime ORCID logo; Roberts, J Murray ORCID logo; Ross, Steve W; Rueda, José Luis ORCID logo; Sampaio, Íris ORCID logo; Snelgrove, Paul V R; Stirling, David; Treble, M A; Urra, Javier ORCID logo; Vad, Johanne ORCID logo; van Oevelen, Dick ORCID logo; Watling, L; Walkusz, Wojciech; Wienberg, Claudia ORCID logo; Woillez, M ORCID logo; Levin, L A; Carreiro-Silva, Marina ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2019
Funding Reference Horizon 2020 Crossref Funder ID 678760 A Trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 384 data points
Discipline Earth System Research