The social process of everyday decision-making by people with dementia and their spouses.


This two-year research project will involve talking to couples living with dementia about the types of decisions they make every day and how they go about making these decisions. The study will develop a better understanding of how couples living with dementia make everyday decisions and identify the practical support that can facilitate people with dementia to make decisions. The research will be carried out in Bradford (starting January 2010) by Dr. Geraldine Boyle from the University of Bradford and Dr. Lorna Warren from the University of Sheffield. Ethical approval will be obtained from the National Social Care Research Ethics Committee. People with dementia and their spouses attending social cafes or support groups run by the Alzheimer's Society (or a community organisation) will be invited to take part in the study. Approximately twenty-four couples will be interviewed about the types of decisions they make every day and how they go about making these decisions. The researchers will also spend time at home with the couples, observing them as they go about their daily routines and make day-to-day decisions. The research findings should promote better understanding of how people with dementia can make decisions and how to involve them in decision-making.

Semi-structured interviews

Metadata Access
Creator Boyle, G, University of Bradford
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2013
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Geraldine Boyle, University of Bradford; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collections to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to do the data. Once permission is obtained, please forward this to the ReShare administrator.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom