The Modular Seafloor Lander (MSL) is a submersible autonomous device manufactured by Develogic GmbH subsea systems. The MSL was deployed at 15:18h on 22 July 2022 and recovered at 07:35h on 03 August 2022 during the METEOR cruise M183. The MSL was equipped with an integrated depth sensor (Keller PAA-10LHP), a conductivity and temperature sensor (Seabird SBE37-SM) and a dissolved CO2 sensor (Franatech). CTD sampling interval was set to 1 hour while CO2 was measured every 4 hours. Salinity data were calculated from measured conductivity and a fixed pressure of 1872 dbar (water depth from ship was 1847 m) as no depth data were recorded. Mole fraction CO2 data from the sensor were processed according to Fietzek et al, 2016 to account for the pressure behind the membrane in the sensor's gas stream and converted to in-situ pCO2 (in µatm) according to Takahashi et al., 1993. Data from the descent (during deployment) and ascent (during recovery) of the lander were removed. The last reported data is on August 08 2022 at 07:00h.