Political Ambition in Britain Survey, 2017


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The Political Ambition in Britain Survey, 2017 consists of responses to a survey regarding individual-level patterns of political ambition in Britain, fielded in 2017 to an online panel of over 10,000 respondents.This project aimed to answer the question of why some people hold ambitions to run for political office, at any level, whilst others do not. This research examined different explanations for why some British people are politically ambitious and others are not and assess which factors hold the greatest influence over, and interrelate, to affect individuals'levels of political ambition. Further information about this project can be found on its' Gateway to Research webpage.

Main Topics:

The survey examines levels of political ambition (interest in running for office) across the UK and includes a range of political, social, and economic variables expected to condition ambition.

Quota sample

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-8599-1
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=ffb2758b9f4defbbbe82967d3801fb2fdd80e947486555d832843ecea05afe30
Creator Allen, P., University of Bath
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights <a href="https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/re-using-public-sector-information/uk-government-licensing-framework/crown-copyright/" target="_blank">© Crown copyright</a>; <p>The study is currently under embargo until May 2021 and therefore currently unavailable for download.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom