Studies of picophytoplankton were carried out in the open Black Sea from February to April 1991 with concomitant blooming of diatoms. During this period cyanobacteria predominated in picoplankton averaging 98.8% of total picophytoplankton abundance and 95% of total picoplankton biomass. In February number of cells reached 1.5x109 per liter in the East Black Sea. Picoplankton biomass decreased during the observation period. From February to March biomass varied from 452 to 4918 mg/m2 (av. 1632 mg/m2), and from March through April from 4 to 656 mg/m2 (av. 190 mg/m**2). Vertical distribution of picoplankton was determined by the upper margin of the main pycnocline. The major part of picoplankton biomass occurred in the mixed layer. With appearance of seasonal pycnoclines in the last days of March maximum biomass occurred under the upper mixed layer. No relationship was observed between Nitzschia delicatula bloom and picoplankton.
Supplement to: Kokurkina, E N; Mikaelyan, A S (1994): Composition and distribution of picophytoplankton in the open area of the Black Sea in winter. Oceanology, 34(1), 60-65