Slovene Lexical Database - SLB (ELEXIS)


Leksikalna baza za slovenščino. Slovene Lexical Database was created between 2008 and 2012 and represents a comprehensive syntactic and semantic description of a selected set of Slovene words. The description was based exclusively on the analysis of reference corpora of Slovene. The database is structured as a network of interrelated semantic and syntactic information about a particular word. Semantic level represents the top level in the hierarchy with the lexical unit as its core element. This includes all senses of the headwrd, multi-word expressions and phraseological units. Each sense is described with a short semantic indicator and/or whole-sentence definition which includes typical syntactic environment of the headword with the relevant number, form and semantic types in a valency frame (semantic frame). These are also reflected in a number of syntactic structures and corresponding collocations. All the higher types of information are confirmed by a selection of corpus examples. Multi-word expressions and phraseological units are treated independently from particular senses of the headword and have their own internal structure which requires the same types of information as single-word entries or senses. See also:

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Metadata Access
Creator Gantar, Polona; Krek, Simon; Kosem, Iztok; Šorli, Mojca; Kocjančič, Polonca; Grabnar, Katja; Yerošina, Olga; Zaranšek, Petra; Drstvenšek, Nina
Publisher Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana
Publication Year 2015
OpenAccess true
Contact info(at)
Language Slovenian; Slovene
Resource Type lexicalConceptualResource
Format downloadable_files_count: 0
Discipline Linguistics