Data for "Functional completeness of planar Rydberg blockade structures"


This dataset includes the geometrical data for the Rydberg complexes depicted in Figures 5-10 of the paper "Functional completeness of planar Rydberg blockade structures".

File types:

FUNCTION@manual-vX.pdf: Plot of the Rydberg complex FUNCTION@manual-vX.json: Raw data of the Rydberg complex in JSON format FUNCTION@manual-vX_manifold.pdf: Plot of the ground state manifold of the complex (excited atoms are orange, atoms in the ground state are black) FUNCTION@manual-vX_optimized.json: Raw data of the numerically optimized geometry of the Rydberg complex in JSON format FUNCTION@manual-vX_optimized_simple.pdf: Plot of the (optimized) complex with highlighted longest blockades (yellow) and shortest non-blockades (dashed blue)

FUNCTION stands for a Boolean gate (see below) and X for a version number.


CPY= Copy LNK = Link NOR_v1 = Ring-shaped NOR gate NOR_v2 = Triangle-shaped NOR gate NOT = Logical NOT gate AND = Logical AND gate OR = Logical OR gate NAND = Logical NAND gate XNOR = Logical XNOR gate XOR = Logical XOR gate CRS_v1 = Minimal crossing CRS_v2 = Non-minimal crossing based on XNOR gates ICRS = Minimal inverting crossing TOR_SQ(_UC) = Toric code (unit cell) on square lattice FIB_HX(_UC) = Fibonacci model (unit cell) on hexagonal lattice

JSON Format: { "name": NAME OF COMPLEX, "description": DESCRIPTION OF COMPLEX, "atoms": [ {"position": [X, Y], "detuning": DELTA, "label": LABEL (OR null)}, ... ], ... ADDITIONAL DATA ... } ADDITIONAL DATA comprises data like blockade edges, the ground state manifold, and margins needed to compute the robustness. This data can be computed from the atom positions and detunings that define the the Rydberg structure.

Python, 3.10

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Stastny, Simon ORCID logo; Büchler, Hans Peter ORCID logo; Lang, Nicolai ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Lang, Nicolai; DaRUS Admin ITP3
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Lang, Nicolai (Universität Stuttgart); DaRUS Admin ITP3 (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Figures; Dataset
Format application/json; application/pdf
Size 874; 3241; 831; 2565; 702; 2127; 2173; 1247; 4380; 2951; 2785; 10076; 5276; 13663; 18745; 2369; 16098; 2339; 3780; 1053; 3728; 2634; 547; 2006; 2017; 990; 3553; 919; 2726; 661; 1878; 791; 2969; 741; 739; 1975; 2365; 659; 1898; 776; 2810; 747; 1983; 2327; 442; 1836; 1875; 868; 3108; 2459; 8277; 12171; 1565; 7959; 1825; 1819; 2508; 3055; 2285; 870; 3184; 2469; 974; 3498; 934
Version 1.0
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics