Quarterly Labour Force Survey, January-March 2023: Teaching Dataset


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The Labour Force Survey plays a vital role in providing reliable statistics on employment and economic issues, which makes it valuable for policy formulation, research and media.The Quarterly Labour Force Survey, January-March 2023: Teaching Dataset (QLFS JM 23 teaching data) is a sub-sample from the main Quarterly Labour Force Survey, January - March 2023 (available from the UK Data Archive under SN 9097).The QLFS JM 23 teaching dataset has been adapted for the purpose of teaching and learning.The main differences are: the number of variables has been reducedextra variables (based on variables from the original dataset) have been added, including a rescaled weight (with mean=1), which does not gross sample counts to population totalsa reduced codebook is provided Further information is available in the study documentation which includes a dataset user guide.

Main Topics:

The main topics covered are: socio-demographics, employment, housing tenure, education, and health.

Multi-stage stratified random sample


DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-9172-1
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=684d5863d01fc6eec29a32340a4620f75c2b40ad8aeda02de25f8951b97b17e1
Creator University of Manchester, Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (CMIST), UK Data Service
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Rights <a href="https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/re-using-public-sector-information/uk-government-licensing-framework/crown-copyright/" target="_blank" style="">© Crown copyright</a>&nbsp;held jointly with the Economic and Social Research Council; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="https://ukdataservice.ac.uk/app/uploads/cd137-enduserlicence.pdf" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; History; Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom