Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions In this first questionnaire submitted to probationary teachers (see SN:67033 for second follow-up questionnaire), information is obtained in five major categories: 1. Appointment and Placement: whether application for present post was to LEA, to the particular school or post; degree of satisfaction felt with processing of application and placement; whether choice of particular school was offered by LEA; month and year of initial application; of notification of success of application and of notification of placement in particular school; whether probationer invited to visit school soon after appointment confirmed; if visit took place; whether expenses reimbursed and what was seen during first visit to school; date by which probationer was notified of age and ability level of children to be taught, and of relevant syllabus and/or schemes of work to be used; whether probationer was given opportunity to work in present school in preceding term and, if so, whether paid for such work and during subsequent vacation period; factors which influenced choice of LEA or school; and finally whether probationer is working with an age-range for which not specifically trained and, if so, why this is so. 2. Guidance for Teachers During Their First Year of Service: whether probationer invited to attend special induction course in area before start of term and, if so, whether probationer attended; awareness of any other organised discussions or lectures or courses for teachers in area and whether probationer has attended or will attend such courses; and whether any such courses are specifically designed for young or probationary teachers. 3. Teaching Data: composition by sex of classes in which most of teaching time is spent, as well as general ability level or stream of such classes and whether any classes for which probationer is responsible are for backward or ESN children; number of children in class; number of hours of teaching time per week and hours as 'free periods' in work; whether probationer supervises any out-of-school activities and whether as result of own suggestion or at request of school; proportion of time spent (in secondary school) teaching principal subject/s, in classes directed towards external examination and in 6th form work; amount of freedom given probationer to work at own pace or with own emphasis; whether teaching in purpose-built or make-shift classroom; relationship of present teaching methods to those advocated by College or Department during training, and reasons for changes if any; relationship of probationer's methods to those of colleagues; whether working with any organisational scheme of which probationer has little or no previous knowledge (ITA, teaching machines, Nuffield Science, streamed classes, CSE Mode 3, etc.); whether probationer told of rules and conventions governing life at school; attitude of probationer towards amenities provided for his use and towards lack of amenities which impair efficiency of teaching. 4. The School Community: composition of staff of school by sex; provision of staff-room and lockers; whether staff-rooms segregated by sex; individual preference for single-sex or mixed staff-room; relationship of teaching atmosphere in school with expectations built up during training; attitude to general standards of teaching in school and to friendliness of other staff; whether attendance at full staff-meeting possible; people with whom probationer has discussed problems of teaching; whether specific teacher has been deputised by Head to provide advice and whether this advice considered sufficient. 5. Personal Data: general background and personal data includes: LEA; type and identification of school; age; sex and marital status of probationer; whether spouse or fiance/e is teacher; father's occupation; whether any member of immediate family is or has been a teacher; whether teaching was first choice of career; whether any youth work done before; educational background, with dates and details, as well as teaching and general employment background; whether lived at home during training; present living arrangements; whether assistance in finding accommodation offered by LEA; travel time to school in morning; general attitude to present area; to area where trained or home area and to friends from that period; amount of leisure time available now in relation to previous year; whether any leisure activities abandoned because of lack of time and, finally, probationer's initial reaction to first two weeks as professional teacher.
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
two-stage within A) 162 Local Education Authorities B) 8 school types (infant, infant/junior, junio
Postal survey