Many Models in R: A Tutorial - National Child Development Study: Age 46, Sweep 7, 2004-2005: Synthetic Data, 2023


The deposit contains a dataset created for the paper, 'Many Models in R: A Tutorial'. ncds.Rds is an R format synthetic dataset created with the synthpop dataset in R using data from the National Child Development Study (NCDS), a birth cohort of individuals born in a single week of March 1958 in Britain. The dataset contains data on fourteen biomarkers collected at the age 46/47 sweep of the survey, four measures of cognitive ability from age 11 and 16, and three covariates, sex, body mass index at age 11 and father's social class. The data is only intended to be used in the tutorial - it is not to be used for drawing statistical inferences.This project contains data used in the paper, "Many Models in R: A Tutorial". The data are a simplified, synthetic and imputed version of the National Child Development Study. There are variables for 14 biomarkers from the age 46/47 biomedical survey, 4 measures of cognitive ability from tests at ages 11 and 16, and 3 covariates (sex, father's socioeconomic class and BMI at age 11).

The data were originally collected by interview and nurse assessment. For information about the creation of the synthetic data please check "Data sourcing, processing and preparation" and the user guide.

Metadata Access
Creator Wright, L, University College London
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Rights - Centre for Longitudinal Studies, University College London; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom