The research project “War in Slovenia” presents the final phase of two mayor processes present in the time before and after the war. First was the independence of Slovenian people from the foreign Yugoslavia on the basis of self-determination of the nation and second the process of changing the fundamental relations in the society because of transition from socialist system into political pluralism and market economy. War in Slovenia reshaped the cultural and civilization existence of Slovene identity and is in these terms understandable as discontinuity in comparison to former periods. The research project concentrate on (1) the influences that shaped the international factors on the course of events on The war in Slovenia (2) defense policy of Republic of Slovenia during the attainment of independency (3) economic defence (4) psycho-sociological role of human factor in the war and (5) the role of Slovenian police in the trails of prisoners of war. In the scope of this research we also made the chronological schedule of the events before, during and after the war in Slovenia and also bibliographical record from 1987 till 1994 on the topic of war in Slovenia. The latter project failed because of the financial lack.
Compilation/SynthesisAnalysis of defense policy. A combination of two approaches to policy analysis, namely chronological and sectoral policy analysis. The chronology covers policy development, focusing on patterns of continuity and change, and places defense policies of the investigated countries in appropriate time contexts. Sectorial policy analysis provides insight into a relatively closed cycle of the defense policy actions. Content analysis of documents and objective data are used. Cabinet collection of data, information; i.e. a chronological list of events just before and during the war in Slovenia, during and after the war.CompilationSynthesis