Digital Light 3D Printing of Double Thermoplastics with Customizable Mechanical Properties and Versatile Reprocessability [data]


Digital light processing (DLP) is a 3D printing technology offering high resolution and speed. Printable materials are usually based on multifunctional monomers, resulting in the formation of thermosets that cannot be reprocessed or recycled. Some efforts have been made in DLP 3D printing of thermoplastic materials. However, these materials exhibit limited and poor mechanical properties. Here, we present a new strategy for DLP 3D printing of thermoplastics using two polymers with contrasting mechanical properties, where stiff and flexible linear polymers are sequentially constructed. The inks consist of two vinyl monomers, which lead to the stiff linear polymer, and α-lipoic acid to form the flexible linear polymer via thermal ring-opening polymerization in a second step. By varying the ratio of stiff and flexible polymers, the mechanical properties can be tuned with Young's modulus ranging from 1.1 GPa to 0.7 MPa, while the strain at break increased from 4% to 574%. Furthermore, these 3D-printed thermoplastics allow for a variety of reprocessability pathways including self-healing, solvent casting, reprinting, and closed-loop recycling of the flexible polymer, contributing to the development of a sustainable materials economy. Last, we demonstrate the potential of the new material in applications ranging from soft robotics to electronics.

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Metadata Access
Creator Zhu, Guangda; Coelln, Nadine von; Hou, Yi; Vazquez‐Martel, Clara; Spiegel, Christoph A; Tegeder, Petra; Blasco, Eva
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Zhu, Guangda; Advanced Materials
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) via the Excellence Cluster “3D Matter Made to Order” (EXC-2082/1-390761711) ; the Carl Zeiss Foundation through the “Carl-Zeiss-Foundation-Focus@HEiKA” ; the Flagship Initiative “Engineering Molecular Systems” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of Federal and State Governments of Germany ; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ; the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Zhu, Guangda (Heidelberg University [enter full affiliation])
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 113933; 140761; 63296; 1794193; 166368
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences