Soil respiration, soil carbon, soil temperature, and soil moisture measured in urban green spaces in Helsinki during 2020-2022


Dataset associated with Karvinen et al. (2024) article entitled "Soil respiration across a variety of tree-covered urban green spaces in Helsinki, Finland". Soil respiration CO2 flux, soil temperature, and soil moisture were measured during the growing season (May-September) in 2020-2022 at four measurement sites encompassing a variety of urban green space types commonly found in the city: a small urban forest (Forest), a managed park (Park), road verge between a roadway and a sidewalk (Streetside), and a fruit orchard (Orchard). Soil samples were collected from all measurement sites during the campaign years to determine soil density as well as soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) content and stock. Article DOI:

Metadata Access
Creator Karvinen, Esko
Instrument Opaque chamber with CO2 probe (GMP343, Vaisala Oyj, Vantaa, Finland), relative humidity and air temperature sensor (HMP75, Vaisala), and a small fan to ensure air mixing within the chamber. The sensors were connected to a handheld reading console (MI70, Vaisala).; Handheld soil moisture meter (PR2, Delta-T Devices Ltd., Cambridge, UK) connected to a handheld reading console (HH2, Delta-T Devices).; Handheld soil thermometer (HH376 and Pt100, Omega Engineering Inc., Connecticut, USA).; Elemental CN analyzer (LECO, Michigan, USA).
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Contributor Yasmin Frühauf; Olivia Kuuri-Riutta; Pinja Rauhamäki; Jesse Soininen; Liisa Kulmala
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Research Council of Finland (CarboCity, grants #325549 and 21527); Strategic Research Council working under the Research Council of Finland (CO-CARBON, grants #335204 and 335201); ACCC Flagship program of the Research Council of Finland (grants #337552 and 337549); European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (PAUL, grant #101037319)
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact esko.karvinen(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format csv; pdf
Size 267.1 kB; 9 files
Version 1
Discipline Environmental science; Soil science
Spatial Coverage Helsinki, Finland
Temporal Coverage 2020-05-14T05:00:00.000Z 2020-09-28T13:00:00.000Z