Initialisation files of the 30 member ensemble generated by spinning up an ensemble of states (sampled from a long preindustrial forcing run) with CMIP5 historical forcing and RCP8.5 beyond 2005. The system is initialised from a NorESM ensemble run integrated from 1850 to 1980 using historical forcing, that comply with the CMIP5’s historical experiment.
Data description: case = NorESM1-ME_historicalExt_noAssim_mem01; Source = CAM ; Variables = lev:hybrid level at midpoints (1000(A+B)) ; hyam:hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints ; hybm:hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints ; ilev:hybrid level at interfaces (1000(A+B)) ; hyai:hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces ; hybi:hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces ; P0:reference pressure ; time:time ; date:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; datesec:current seconds of current date ; lat:latitude ; lon:longitude ; slat:staggered latitude ; slon:staggered longitude ; w_stag:staggered latitude weights ; time_bnds:time interval endpoints ; ntrm:spectral truncation parameter M ; ntrn:spectral truncation parameter N ; ntrk:spectral truncation parameter K ; ndbase:base day ; nsbase:seconds of base day ; nbdate:base date (YYYYMMDD) ; nbsec:seconds of base date ; mdt:timestep ; nlon:number of longitudes ; wnummax:cutoff Fourier wavenumber ; gw:gauss weights ; ndcur:current day (from base day) ; nscur:current seconds of current day ; co2vmr:co2 volume mixing ratio ; ch4vmr:ch4 volume mixing ratio ; n2ovmr:n2o volume mixing ratio ; f11vmr:f11 volume mixing ratio ; f12vmr:f12 volume mixing ratio ; sol_tsi:total solar irradiance ; nsteph:current timestep ; CLDHGH:Vertically-integrated high cloud ; CLDLOW:Vertically-integrated low cloud ; CLDMED:Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud ; CLDTOT:Vertically-integrated total cloud ; FLDS:Downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLDSC:Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLNS:Net longwave flux at surface ; FLNSC:Clearsky net longwave flux at surface ; FLNT:Net longwave flux at top of model ; FLNTC:Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model ; FLUT:Upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FLUTC:Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FSDS:Downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDSC:Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDTOA:Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNS:Net solar flux at surface ; FSNSC:Clearsky net solar flux at surface ; FSNT:Net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTOA:Net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNTOAC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSUTOA:Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; ICEFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice ; LHFLX:Surface latent heat flux ; OCNFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean ; OMEGA:Vertical velocity (pressure) ; OMEGA500:Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface ; OMEGA850:Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface ; PBLH:PBL height ; PRECT:Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PS:Surface pressure ; PSL:Sea level pressure ; Q:Specific humidity ; QFLX:Surface water flux ; QREFHT:Reference height humidity ; RELH:Fictive relative humidity ; RHREFHT:Reference height relative humidity ; SHFLX:Surface sensible heat flux ; SNOWHICE:Water equivalent snow depth ; SNOWHLND:Water equivalent snow depth ; SOLIN:Solar insolation ; SRFRAD:Net radiative flux at surface ; SST:sea surface temperature ; T:Temperature ; T1000:Temperature at 1000 mbar pressure surface ; T200:Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface ; T500:Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface ; T700:Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface ; T850:Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface ; TAUX:Zonal surface stress ; TAUY:Meridional surface stress ; TREFHT:Reference height temperature ; TS:Surface temperature (radiative) ; TSMN:Minimum surface temperature over output period ; TSMX:Maximum surface temperature over output period ; U:Zonal wind ; U10:10m wind speed ; U200:Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; U850:Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; V:Meridional wind ; V200:Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; V850:Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; Z050:Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface ; Z100:Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface ; Z200:Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface ; Z3:Geopotential Height (above sea level) ; Z300:Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface ; Z500:Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface ; Z700:Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface ; seq_infodata_nextsw_cday: ; seq_infodata_precip_fact: ; seq_infodata_case_name: ; seq_timemgr_start_ymd: ; seq_timemgr_start_tod: ; seq_timemgr_ref_ymd: ; seq_timemgr_ref_tod: ; seq_timemgr_curr_ymd: ; seq_timemgr_curr_tod: ; budg_dataG: ; budg_ns: ; fractions_ax_afrac: ; fractions_ax_ifrac: ; fractions_ax_ofrac: ; fractions_ax_lfrac: ; fractions_ax_lfrin: ; a2x_ax_Sa_z:Height at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_u:Zonal wind at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_v:Meridional wind at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_tbot:Temperature at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_ptem:Potential temperature at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_shum:Specific humidity at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_dens:Air density at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_pbot:Pressure at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_pslv:Sea level pressure ; a2x_ax_Sa_co2prog:Prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Sa_co2diag:Diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level ; a2x_ax_Faxa_lwdn:Downward longwave heat flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_rainc:Convective precipitation rate ; a2x_ax_Faxa_rainl:Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate ; a2x_ax_Faxa_snowc:Convective snow rate (water equivalent) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_snowl:Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_swndr:Direct near-infrared incident solar radiation ; a2x_ax_Faxa_swvdr:Direct visible incident solar radiation ; a2x_ax_Faxa_swndf:Diffuse near-infrared incident solar radiation ; a2x_ax_Faxa_swvdf:Diffuse visible incident solar radiation ; a2x_ax_Faxa_swnet:Net shortwave radiation ; a2x_ax_Faxa_bcphidry:Hydrophylic black carbon dry deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_bcphodry:Hydrophobic black carbon dry deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_bcphiwet:Hydrophylic black carbon wet deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_ocphidry:Hydrophylic organic carbon dry deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_ocphodry:Hydrophobic organic carbon dry deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_ocphiwet:Hydrophylic organic carbon wet deposition flux ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstwet1:Dust wet deposition flux (size 1) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstwet2:Dust wet deposition flux (size 2) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstwet3:Dust wet deposition flux (size 3) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstwet4:Dust wet deposition flux (size 4) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstdry1:Dust dry deposition flux (size 1) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstdry2:Dust dry deposition flux (size 2) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstdry3:Dust dry deposition flux (size 3) ; a2x_ax_Faxa_dstdry4:Dust dry deposition flux (size 4) ; fractions_lx_afrac: ; fractions_lx_lfrac: ; fractions_lx_lfrin: ; l2x_lx_Sl_t:Surface temperature ; l2x_lx_Sl_tref:Reference temperature at 2 meters ; l2x_lx_Sl_qref:Reference specific humidity at 2 meters ; l2x_lx_Sl_avsdr:Direct albedo (visible radiation) ; l2x_lx_Sl_anidr:Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; l2x_lx_Sl_avsdf:Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) ; l2x_lx_Sl_anidf:Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; l2x_lx_Sl_snowh:Surface snow water equivalent ; l2x_lx_Sl_landfrac:fractional land ; l2x_lx_Sl_fv:Surface fraction velocity in land ; l2x_lx_Sl_ram1:Aerodynamical resistance ; l2x_lx_Sl_u10:Land 10m wind ; l2x_lx_Fall_taux:Zonal surface stress ; l2x_lx_Fall_tauy:Meridional surface stress ; l2x_lx_Fall_lat:Latent heat flux ; l2x_lx_Fall_sen:Sensible heat flux ; l2x_lx_Fall_lwup:Upward longwave heat flux ; l2x_lx_Fall_evap:Evaporation water flux ; l2x_lx_Fall_swnet:Net absorbed shortwave radiation ; l2x_lx_Fall_flxdst1:Dust flux (particle bin number 1) ; l2x_lx_Fall_flxdst2:Dust flux (particle bin number 2) ; l2x_lx_Fall_flxdst3:Dust flux (particle bin number 3) ; l2x_lx_Fall_flxdst4:Dust flux (particle bin number 4) ; fractions_ox_afrac: ; fractions_ox_ifrac: ; fractions_ox_ofrac: ; fractions_ox_ifrad: ; fractions_ox_ofrad: ; o2x_ox_So_t:Sea surface temperature ; o2x_ox_So_u:Zonal sea water velocity ; o2x_ox_So_v:Meridional sea water velocity ; o2x_ox_So_s:Sea surface salinity ; o2x_ox_So_dhdx:Zonal sea surface slope ; o2x_ox_So_dhdy:Meridional sea surface slope ; o2x_ox_Fioo_q:Ocean freeze (q>0) or melt (q<0) potential ; x2oacc_ox_Si_ifrac:Fractional ice coverage wrt ocean ; x2oacc_ox_Sa_pslv:Sea level pressure ; x2oacc_ox_Sx_duu10n:Wind speed squared at 10 meters ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_taux:Zonal surface stress ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_tauy:Meridional surface stress ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_swnet:Net shortwave radiation ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_lat:Downward latent heat flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_sen:Downward sensible heat flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_lwdn:Downward longwave heat flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_lwup:Upward longwave heat flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_melth:Heat flux from melting ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_salt:Salt flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_prec:Water flux (rain+snow) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_snow:Water flux due to snow ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_rain:Water flux due to rain ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_evap:Water flux due to evaporation ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_meltw:Water flux due to melting ; x2oacc_ox_Forr_roff:Water flux due to runoff (liquid) ; x2oacc_ox_Forr_ioff:Water flux due to runoff (frozen) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_bcphidry:Hydrophylic black carbon dry deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_bcphodry:Hydrophobic black carbon dry deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_bcphiwet:Hydrophylic black carbon wet deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_ocphidry:Hydrophylic organic carbon dry deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_ocphodry:Hydrophobic organic carbon dry deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_ocphiwet:Hydrophylic organic carbon wet deposition flux ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstwet1:Dust wet deposition flux (size 1) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstwet2:Dust wet deposition flux (size 2) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstwet3:Dust wet deposition flux (size 3) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstwet4:Dust wet deposition flux (size 4) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstdry1:Dust dry deposition flux (size 1) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstdry2:Dust dry deposition flux (size 2) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstdry3:Dust dry deposition flux (size 3) ; x2oacc_ox_Foxx_dstdry4:Dust dry deposition flux (size 4) ; x2oacc_ox_cnt: ; xao_ox_So_avsdr:Direct albedo (visible radiation) ; xao_ox_So_anidr:Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; xao_ox_So_avsdf:Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) ; xao_ox_So_anidf:Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; xao_ox_So_tref:Reference temperature at 2 meters ; xao_ox_So_qref:Reference specific humidity at 2 meters ; xao_ox_Sx_duu10n:Wind speed squared at 10 meters ; xao_ox_So_ustar:Surface fraction velocity in ocean ; xao_ox_So_ssq:Surface saturation specific humidity in ocean ; xao_ox_So_re:Square of exch. coeff (tracers) ; xao_ox_So_u10: ; xao_ox_Faox_taux:Zonal wind stress ; xao_ox_Faox_tauy:Meridional wind stress ; xao_ox_Faox_lat:Latent heat flux ; xao_ox_Faox_sen:Sensible heat flux ; xao_ox_Faox_evap:Evaporation water flux ; xao_ox_Faox_lwup:Upward longwave heat flux ; xao_ax_So_avsdr:Direct albedo (visible radiation) ; xao_ax_So_anidr:Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; xao_ax_So_avsdf:Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) ; xao_ax_So_anidf:Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; xao_ax_So_tref:Reference temperature at 2 meters ; xao_ax_So_qref:Reference specific humidity at 2 meters ; xao_ax_Sx_duu10n:Wind speed squared at 10 meters ; xao_ax_So_ustar:Surface fraction velocity in ocean ; xao_ax_So_ssq:Surface saturation specific humidity in ocean ; xao_ax_So_re:Square of exch. coeff (tracers) ; xao_ax_So_u10: ; xao_ax_Faox_taux:Zonal wind stress ; xao_ax_Faox_tauy:Meridional wind stress ; xao_ax_Faox_lat:Latent heat flux ; xao_ax_Faox_sen:Sensible heat flux ; xao_ax_Faox_evap:Evaporation water flux ; xao_ax_Faox_lwup:Upward longwave heat flux ; fractions_ix_afrac: ; fractions_ix_ifrac: ; fractions_ix_ofrac: ; i2x_ix_Si_t:Surface temperature of snow and ice surface ; i2x_ix_Si_tref:Reference temperature at 2 meters ; i2x_ix_Si_qref:Reference specific humidity at 2 meters ; i2x_ix_Si_ifrac:Fractional ice coverage wrt ocean ; i2x_ix_Si_avsdr:Direct albedo (visible radiation) ; i2x_ix_Si_anidr:Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; i2x_ix_Si_avsdf:Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) ; i2x_ix_Si_anidf:Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) ; i2x_ix_Si_snowh:Surface snow depth ; i2x_ix_Si_u10:Sea ice 10 meter wind ; i2x_ix_Faii_taux:Zonal surface stress ; i2x_ix_Faii_tauy:Meridional surface stress ; i2x_ix_Faii_lat:Latent heat flux ; i2x_ix_Faii_sen:Sensible heat flux ; i2x_ix_Faii_lwup:Outgoing longwave heat flux ; i2x_ix_Faii_evap:Evaporative water flux ; i2x_ix_Faii_swnet:Net absorbed shortwave radiation in snow/ocean/ice ; i2x_ix_Fioi_swpen:Net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean ; i2x_ix_Fioi_melth:Heat flux from melting ice ; i2x_ix_Fioi_meltw:Water flux from melting ice ; i2x_ix_Fioi_salt:Salt flux from melting ice ; i2x_ix_Fioi_taux:Zonal surface stress ; i2x_ix_Fioi_tauy:Meridional surface stress ; r2xacc_rx_Forr_roff:Water flux due to runoff (liquid) ; r2xacc_rx_Forr_ioff:Water flux due to runoff (frozen) ; r2xacc_rx_cnt: ; Citation: Counillon etal.,2016, DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v68.32437 (primary); Wang etal., 2017, DOI:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.04.007; Li etal., 2019,