Long-run trends in internal migrations in italy: a study in panel cointegration with dependent units (replication data)


The objective of this paper is to examine the long-run determinants of internal migrations from southern Italy. In order to accomplish this task, the paper develops a bootstrap test for panel cointegration analysis with dependent units. Monte Carlo simulations show that the test, based on the Continuous-Path Block bootstrap, has good power and size properties and is robust to both short- and long-run dependence across units. The empirical analysis points to income in the sending region as a key factor of the decline of migrations, with unemployment and income differentials playing only a minor role.

DOI https://doi.org/10.15456/jae.2022319.0714613073
Metadata Access https://www.da-ra.de/oaip/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:oai.da-ra.de:776035
Creator Fachin, Stefano
Publisher ZBW - Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft
Publication Year 2007
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY); Download
OpenAccess true
Contact ZBW - Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft
Language English
Resource Type Collection
Discipline Economics