The highly frustrated nature of the pyrochlore lattice leads to a rich diversity of fascinating properties when the lattice sites are decorated with classical spins. Arguably the most celebrated example is the case of ferromagnetically coupled Ising spins which gives rise to spin-ice [1] and the emergence of magnetic monopoles [2,3]. While many examples of classical pyrochlores exist, there are very few examples of magnetic pyrochlores in the quantum (S=1/2) limit, for which many interesting predictions have been made. Here we propose to continue our study of the magnetic fluctuations in the quantum magnet Lu2V2O7 that has recently been shown to exhibit a number of exceptional properties, including the magnon Hall effect [4]. Here we aim to meaure the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which is a key parameter in the theoretical description of Lu2V2O7.