Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To describe and analyse the life and ministry of Roman Catholic priests in the United States.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions A)Active Priests Opinion of seminary training, frequency of dating girls before and during seminary training, satisfaction with present assignment, opinion of the priesthood in general and of recruitment. Principal type of work since ordination, time spent on various activities in an average week, opinion of present work and of supervision received, number of hours spent working per day/week. Membership of priests' associations. Comparison of priesthood with other professions (e.g. amount of skill, responsibility involved), opinion of pay received and promotion opportunities, frequency of religious observance and religious experience, evaluation of various activities/problems (e.g. private devotion, visiting the sick/theological change, celibacy), attitude to the Church in general, who controls decision-making in diocese (satisfaction with), amount of contact with Protestant clergy and Jewish rabbis, attitude to proposed changes in the Church and problems such as contraception, abortion and divorce. Friendship network, amount of leisure time taken, date of last vacation, personal health rating, extent of social relations with women, alcohol intake. Reasons for remaining in priesthood, whether any friends have left and reaction. Assessment of happiness now and five years ago. Opinion on several social issues (e.g. poverty, Vietnam). Assessment of needs for the following year. B)Resigned Priests As above, including: comparison of present and previous occupation; current canonical status, attitude to 'laicization'/resuming the priesthood; future intentions; reasons for leaving; current religious position; whether sought psychiatric or psychological help (reasons); satisfaction with decision to leave; whether happily married, evaluation of time spent in ecclesiastical ministry. Background Variables A)Active Priests Educational history and qualifications, diocese, current and previous positions, date of birth, date of ordination, whether U.S. citizen, familial history, race, readership of religious publications. B)Resigned Priests As above, including: marital status; employment status; occupation; number of children; monthly income.
No information recorded
Postal survey