This dataset consists of irradiance values (E) for upwelling and downwelling under ice (both with and without snow cover) for the spectrum of visible light wavelengths (~320-950 nm). These data were collected via a hole drilled under the ice to allow for a TriOS Ramses ACC VIS cosine-corrected hyperspectral radiometer to determine the under ice upwelling and downwelling irriadiance between wavelengths 320-950 nm at a resolution of 1.3 nm. Downwelling irradiance was measured from 3 cm below the bottom of the sea-ice down to a depth of 8.0-9.0 m, with a vertical resolution of 0.5 m. Upwelling irradiance was measured from 3 cm below the bottom of the sea-ice to 3.5-4.0 m with a resolution of 0.5 m. All TriOS values were taken in triplicate and the average of these values per wavelength are provided here. The accompanying paper details the applicability of these data for investigations of PAR on low light adapted ice algae.