The Departamento de Hidrografia e Navegação (DHN) from the Brazilian Navy in partnership with the Centro de Biologia Marinha (CEM) of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) conducted four seasonal cruises covering the coastal, neritic and oceanic regions between 24º06'S and 29º36'S to evaluate the general oceanographic processes present in the region (Brandini, 1990a; 1990b). Each cruise had twelve transects perpendicular to the coastline that were surveyed onboard NOc. Almirante Saldanha resulting in approximately 90 oceanographic stations spaced 30 nautical miles (~ 55 km) apart (Brandini, 1990b). Samples were obtained in the shallow stations (depth 50 m and <200 m) from 5 m from the bottom to the surface, and from 200 m depth in the deep stations. At selected intermediate and deep stations, stratified vertical hauls with a 0.5 m mouth diameter, 250 μm mesh plankton net were also performed. The net type used has not been determined, except for the use of a Chossi Kid Net in some stations of the 2nd cruise. Volume of filtered water for each trawl is not available and number of eggs and larvae were not standardized (Macedo-Soares, 2015).