Job history of respondent and participation in job related training courses, in present, past and future. Year respondent left day-time education / type of jobs since respondent is working and duration of each job / nr. of employers since respondent is working / whether r. was unemployed for a period longer than six months / activities during unemployment period / nr. of years working for present company / having the same job since entrance in present company / doing overtime work / working with computers and-or computer controlled machines / travelling time from home to work / recent important changes at work, and-or expected changes / working schedule / being employed on a permanent basis / experiences with important changes in r.'s job / r.'s opinion about present job and emotions concerning present job / r.'s expectations concerning future developments / reasons of being successful at work / r'.s education in past, present and future / finished daytime education with or without a certificate / other attained certificates / present training within or outside the company, plans for a training in the future, training during the last five years / concerning present training: name of course, course content, course time / reasons to follow courses / average time per week spending at courses / course fees / support and contribution of employer / facing problems before r. could start the course / r.'s opinion about the contents and presentation of the course / ranking of problems experienced during the course / expected advantages of following courses / expectation concerning finishing the course / plans to follow another course / giving up a course during the last five years / respondents who are planning to follow a course: name of course, most important reason to follow the course, duration of course, certificate of course or not, who's going to pay the course fees, expected problems, giving up a course during the last five years / respondent who followed a course during the last five years: name of course, whether respondent finished the course, whether the course was useful / reasons not finishing a course / future plans for following a course / respondents who don't follow a course at present, nor followed a course during the last five years: number of years ago that respondent did a job related training course / during the last five years thinking about following a course / reasons not following a course / reasons not thinking about following a course / r.'s opinion about necessity of further training and-or retraining / willingness to follow a course to avoid unemployment or to get a better job, influence of boss to follow a course / way of spending leisure time / having a computer at home, and if yes for what purposes computer is used / intention to buy a computer / looking for another job. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ consumption of durables