Fully coupled, 1% CO₂ ramp-down simulation starting from the end of year 140 of the CMIP5 1% ramp-up simulation, including a 60 year extension at constant preindustrial CO₂


This data set consists of two simulations conducted with the Norwegian Earth System Model. These are an extension of the CMIP5 1% CO₂ ramp-up (1pctCO2), simulating a 1% CO₂ ramp-down until preindustrial CO₂ concentrations are reached plus a 60 year extension at constant CO₂ levels. The model version is the same as used for CMIP5 and is documented in Tjiputra et al. 2013. For further information, please contact (jorg DOT schwinger AT uni DOT no) or (jerry DOT tjiputra AT uni DOT no).

DOI https://doi.org/10.11582/2018.00011
Metadata Access https://search-api.web.sigma2.no/norstore-archive/oai/v1.0?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=doi:10.11582/2018.00011
Creator Schwinger, Jörg; Tjiputra, Jerry; Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, BCCR; Uni Research Climate, Uni Research Climate
Publisher Norstore Archive
Publication Year 2018
OpenAccess true
Contact Norstore Archive
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Natural Sciences