The Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is a well-studied event globally, yet it has received limited attention in the central eastern Tethys region. This study focuses on assessing the PETM's impacts on Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) within this understudied area. Combining LBF analysis with microfacies examination, we investigate the Dungan Formation at the Zranda section, representing a crucial segment of the central eastern Tethys. Our findings explore the effects of PETM on marine ecosystems in this region and contribute to a broader understanding of paleoenvironmental changes during this significant climatic event. Thin sections (30 micron thickness) were prepared from the rock samples using standard preparation techniques (Miller, 1988) prior to petrographic and biostratigraphic investigation. All thin sections were examined under a polarizing microscope. Images spanning the entire thin-sections were taken using a Nikon Eclipse 50iPOL petrographic microscope with at 5X objective lens, a Nikon DS-Fi1 digital camera and Prior motorized stage. Multiple images were stitched together to obtain a high resolution, whole-of-section image of each thin section using the Nikon NIS Elements-D software. Thin sections were studied in both plane polarizing light (PPL) and cross polarizing light (XPL) to identify allochems and matrix to categorize into different microfacies using Dunham's classification (1964) and were compared ramp microfacies of Flügel (2004).