Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
Research carried out in the United States indicates that lawyers have a high level of participation in activities in the wider community. This survey gathered information on the participation in extra-professional activities of West Midlands solicitors.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Career details since leaving school, when decided to become solicitor, and why, how gained articles, positions held since qualifying. How frequently takes work home, how frequently appears in Court, whether does any work for Citizen's Advice Bureau, Marriage Guidance Council etc. Business Solicitors: no. of people employed in Legal Department and in what capacity; proportion of time spent on legal/non-legal work; most important categories of work (e.g. matrimonial, tax matters, criminal etc.); why practising certificate taken out; whether has other remunerative occupation. Private Practice Solicitors: whether sole pratitioner; no. of branches and location; no. of partners and assistants in practice; length of time in practice; no. of employees and their jobs; whether any directorships or positions in business companies held; whether has other occupation(s) and time spent; rank importance of various categories of work; type of work spends most time on; sources of client referrals and rank importance; whether practice is in Legal Aid Scheme. Membership of professional (and extra-professional) associations and organisations, how often attends meetings, whether ever held office or sat on a committee, past activities (details), whether participation in non-professional associations has helped or hindered career. Whether interested in politics, whether a paid up member of a political party and for how long, whether ever held office or served on a committee (details), whether ever been a candidate at a local or general election (details), whether ever assisted a candidate or party in an election campaign (details). Whether ever been non-elected or co-opted member of any local, national or public boards, committees etc. (e.g. J.P., National Insurance committee), whether participation in politics has helped or hindered career. Opinion on solicitor being involved in politics, whether would choose again to become a solicitor, if not, reasons. Business Solicitors: views on privat practice. Private Solicitors: most important factors for a successful legal practice. Background Variables Age, sex, place of birth, type of secondary school, age left school, details of further educaton, qualifications, father's occupation, fathers/mother's interest in politics.
Simple random sample
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
A simple random sample was used for business solicitors. A stratified random sample was drawn from
Face-to-face interview