Orbital products describe positions and velocities of satellites, be it the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites or Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) satellites. These orbital products can be divided into the fastest available ones, the Near Realtime Orbits (NRT, Zitat), which are mostly available within 15 to 60 minutes delay, followed by Rapid Science Orbit (RSO, Zitat) products with a latency of two days and finally the Precise Science Orbit (PSO) which, with a latency of up to a few weeks or longer in the case of reprocessing campaigns, are the most delayed. The absolute positional accuracy increases from NRT to PSO.
This dataset compiles the PSO products for various LEO missions and GNSS constellation in sp3 format.
GNSS Constellation:
LEO Satellites:
- Jason-1
- Jason-2
- Jason-3
- Sentinel-3A
- Sentinel-3B
- Sentinel-6A
Each solution follows specific requirements and parametrizations which are named in the respective processing metric table.
Within the scope of various international working groups and services, and mission involvements, such as Copernicus POD QWG, IDS, ILRS, TanDEM-X, GRACE(-FO), different PSO orbits are generated at GFZ. These orbits ensue to the best of one’s ability the specific requirements and are based either on one individual observation technique or on a combination of several. Adopted processing settings and, in the case of dynamic POD, parameterizations and modeling are listed in a respective processing metric table.
The orbits are stored in the GFZ Information System and Data Center (ISDC) and to the extent deemed possible freely available for the scientific community world-wide