Dataset used in Henson et al. (2023). Binned, calibrated, merged glider data collected with 2 Slocum G2s and 1 Seaglider from 0 to 1000 m depth. The data were collected NW of South Georgia, Scotia Sea between 19 October 2017 - 13 February 2018. Gliders sampled continuously following a triangular path of ~12 km per side centred on 52.75°S, 40.16°W. The glider sampled with a vertical resolution of ~20 cm, emerging 5 to 6 times per day. Temperature, Conductivity and Depth were measured with a Seabird CTD (pumped) on Slocum gliders and a pumped Seabird CTD sail on the Seaglider. Dissolved oxygen was measured with Aanderaa optodes. Chlorophyll fluorescence and optical backscatter were measured using Seabird Triplet ECOPucks. Oxygen and chlorophyll data were calibrated against shipboard bottle samples collected using a CTD rosette. Chlorophyll data have been corrected for non-photochemical quenching. Optical backscatter was additionally converted into POC concentration using shipboard CTD bottle samples, and estimates of POC flux were then made following the methods detailed in Henson et al. (2023). Data from the 3 gliders were inter-calibrated prior to ship calibration. Estimates of primary production are made from the glider data and photosynthetic properties observed during a coincident cruise, following the methods of Mignot et al. (2018). The 2D glider profile data are interpolated into 1 m depth bins for all variables; data are provided for every profile.
Variables in file '' consist of: time (seconds since 00:00:00 on 1 January 0000), depth (meters), longitude (degrees East), latitude (degrees South), profile direction (up or down), deployment ID, dive number, depth, pressure, conservative temperature (°C), salinity (PSU), dissolved oxygen concentration (µmol/kg), chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m3), optical backscattering at 700nm wavelength (m-1) and POC concentration (mg/m3). These data are presented in Figure 4 of Henson et al. (2023).File '' contains daily average values for POC fluxes (mgC/m2/d) in 10m bins plus their upper and lower estimate bounds, plus date (YYYYMMDD format), depth and station indicator when RRS Discovery was present at the location of the glider during the COMICS1 cruise DY086 (1=station P3A, 2=station P3B, 3=station P3C, NaN = ship not on-site).File '' contains daily average time series of primary production (mgC/m2/d), export depth (m), POC flux at the export depth (mgC/m2/d), flux 100m below the export depth (mgC/m2/d) and at 1000m depth (mgC/m2/d), export efficiency (export flux/PP), transfer efficiency (flux 100m below the export depth/export flux), sequestration efficiency (flux at 1000m/export flux) and mesopelagic efficiency (flux at 1000m/flux 100m below the export depth). Associated 1D variables are date (YYYYMMDD format) and station indicator. These data are presented in Figure 5 of Henson et al. (2023).Please refer to the supplementary material of Henson et al. (2023) for full details of the data collection, processing, calibration and estimation of derived variables.