Conceptualising Marine Identities, 2022


The research sought to collaboratively lay the foundations of an academic understanding of how the ocean can form part of a person’s identity, enabling future study of the role marine identities play in shaping the relationships people have with the ocean. An international group of marine researchers and practitioners came together in a workshop to co-produce marine identity conceptualisations. This process was supported by a photovoice collection contributed to by participants. Collaborators recruited to this project shared up to four images representing marine/ocean identity. All ‘photovoice’ contributions were compiled into an album and shared with participants prior to a co-development workshop. Images with appropriate permission to share are included in this data deposit. An online co-development workshop was held in November 2022 and was attended by 26 participants working in marine research and/or practice. Participants contributing to the photovoice and/or the workshop came from 17 different nations.The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development identifies ten challenges for humanity to address to secure a sustainable future for the ocean and humanity. This proposal responds to Challenge 10: "Change humanity's relationship with the ocean." Marine citizenship is exercising the right to participate in the transformation of the human-ocean relationship and includes activities ranging from choosing ocean-friendly products to leading campaigns aimed at reducing harmful human impacts upon the ocean. My PhD research suggests there may be a marine identity, through which people are directly dependent on a healthy marine environment, which motivates people to go from caring about the ocean, to taking action to protect it. The project will convene a workshop and network of international researchers and practitioners to: develop a conceptualisation of marine identities through diverse perspectives, knowledge, research and practice in global communities; interrogate relationships with marine citizenship and ocean literacy; and publish the findings to reach leading environmental researchers.

1) Text based data recorded by participants on an online whiteboard to collate thinking during an online workshop. 2) Image data contributed by participants as shared photovoice collection.

Metadata Access
Creator Buchan, P, University of Exeter
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference ESRC
Rights Pamela Buchan, University of Exeter; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text; Still image
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage United Kingdom; Germany (October 1990-); Nigeria; Czech Republic; Slovenia; Canada; New Zealand; Denmark; Spain; Ireland; Italy; Australia; Wales; Portugal; Ghana; United States; Indonesia; Scotland; Greece; South Africa; Finland; Tanzania