The submitted data have been collected for various projects of the LLAKES research centre. The data collected for Projects 1.1. ('Equality and Inequality in Lifelong Learning') and 1.2. ('Analysis of Macro-Social Data on Educational Inequality, Income Inequality, Social Cohesion and Competitiveness') concern country-level data on education system characteristics and their social outcomes. The data collected for Project 1.3 ('Experiencing Inequality') concerns quantitative survey data and qualitative data from open interviews. The data collected for Project 3.4 ('Industrial Competitiveness, Social Inclusion and the Upskilling of Older Workers') concerns quantitative survey data.This Research Centre investigates the role of lifelong learning in promoting economic competitiveness and social cohesion, and in mediating the interactions between the two domains. Key areas of research include: i) the social and cultural foundations of learning, knowledge production and transfer, and innovation, within the context of a changing economy, and ii) the effects of knowledge and skill distribution on income equality, social cohesion and competitiveness. It has a programme of inter-disciplinary and mixed method research which addresses these issues at the level of the individual life course, through studies of city-regions and sectors in the UK, and through comparative analysis across OECD countries.
- collecting administrative data - written questionnaires - open interviews