Dataset of a laboratory experiment on the pollutant transport in a flooded street network under steady flow regime


This dataset includes both measurements of velocity and concentration distributions, collected on a physical model. The 1:50 scale model in the horizontal plane, representing an urban area (one city block surrounded by four streets), is 5.4 m long and 3.8 m wide with a longitudinal slope (Sx = 0.12%). All the street cross-sections are rectangular (width b = 15 cm, and height of 15 cm). The experiments were performed under steady flow and pollutant release conditions. The total inlet discharge, Qi1+Qi2 = 6.5 l/s, was partitioned between the inflow in the Right street (Qi1 = 4.5 l/s) and Left street (Qi2 = 2.0 l/s).

1/ The experimental dataset for the pollutant consists in: (i) 4 time-averaged pollutant outflow discharges for 19 pollutant release locations; (ii) Time-averaged concentration distributions across the 5 sections S1 to S5 for one release location ("cu"); (iii) Transverse profiles of the depth and time averaged concentration for the release locations "cu", "lu", "ru" across S1 and for "cu' " across S6. (iv) Time-averaged concentration distribution across S1 for "cu" in a straight single street.

2/ The experimental velocity dataset consists in: (i) Time-averaged streamwise velocity distributions across S1 to S5. The distributions of the time-averaged transverse and vertical velocities, and the transverse Reynolds shear stress are only available for sections S3 to S5. (ii) Time-averaged surface velocities within the 4 intersections.

Metadata Access
Creator FAGOUR, Clement; Mignot, Emmanuel ORCID logo; Proust, Sébastien ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor FAGOUR, Clement; Mignot, Emmanuel; Proust, Sébastien; INRAE (Riverly)
Publication Year 2024
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact FAGOUR, Clement (INRAE); Mignot, Emmanuel (LMFA); Proust, Sébastien (INRAE)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; text/tab-separated-values
Size 5490; 3276; 3273; 3269; 3271; 3272; 667; 1056; 4446; 3378; 3373; 7082; 6938; 6995; 12579565; 44245631; 41511997; 41287350
Version 1.0
Discipline Geosciences; Physics; Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences