The data was collected with an IRIS Syscal Pro Deep Marine resistivity system that was equipped with a GPS and an echo-sounder to record water depths. The geoelectric cable had an electrode separation of 10 m and the electrodes were arranged in a reciprocal Wenner Schlumberger array. The offset between the first electrode and the boat was approximately 10 m.
Distance: Distance of boat position from starting point (m). This is not a cumulative distance.Water_depth: Water depth (m) from echo-sounderP1P2: Apparent resistivity (ohm-m) measured between potential electrodes P1 and P2. The remaining apparent resistivity columns have the same structure.C1: Position (m) of current electrode C1 relative to the boat position. For example, -60 m indicates that C1 is located 60 m behind the boat at the profile start.C2: Position (m) of current electrode C2 relative to the boat position. For example, -70 m indicates that C2 is located 70 m behind the boat at the profile start.P1: Position (m) of potential electrode P1 relative to the boat position. For example, -80 m indicates that P1 is located 80 m behind the boat at the profile start.P2: Position (m) of potential electrode P2 relative to the boat position. For example, -50 m indicates that P2 is located 50 m behind the boat at the profile start.The remaining electrode position columns follow the same structure.Latitude: latitude of boat position measured with GPS (WGS 1984)Longitude: longitude of boat position measured with GPS (WGS 1984)