48 Homozygous wild-types (WT, +/+) and 96 PKU BTBRPah2 (-/-) male and female mice started dietary treatment on postnatal day 31 up to 10 months of age in the following six groups: WT control diet (WT C-HP), WT normal diet plus specific nutrient combination (WT SNC-HP), PKU normal diet (PKU C-HP), PKU normal diet plus specific nutrient combination (PKU SNC-HP), PKU low-Phe diet (PKU C-LP), and PKU low-Phe diet plus specific nutrient combination (PKU SNC-LP).
Mice were tested three times (4,7, and 10 months) after treatment initiation during four behavioural tasks: open field (OF), novel object recognition task (NOR), spatial object recognition task (SOR), and balance beam task (BB).
The results are stored in three zipped folders:
Measurements.zip: Excel files with the results of the various behavioral tasks at 4, 7 and 10 months of age
StatisticalAnalyses.zip: SPSS files (.sav) of the various behavioral tasks
Neurotransmitters: Results and statistical analysis of the various neurotransmitter levels per mouse