The Ecosystem Resilience Approach (ERA) to control the invasive Australian swamp stonecrop (Crassula helmsii)

The invasive Australian swamp stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) threatens species characteristic of shallow soft water lakes and pools in Europe. Eradication of this plant is, however, difficult and costly once a large population has established. For this reason, we here explore a novel ecosystem resilience approach (ERA) to control this species. These datasets contain information about the first field performances of the ERA. Effectiveness of the ERA is measured by determining the cover (%) of the invasive species and the introduced and naturally established native vegetation after the introduction of a competing species in field plots. Additionally we’ve observed and measured field characteristics (soil- and water nutrient content by AA- and ICP analysis) to describe difference between the treated locations. *The data appropriate to this article may contain Dutch notes. For an English explanation, please contact the author of the data

Abstract of paper: The invasive Australian swamp stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) threatens species characteristic of shallow soft water lakes and pools in Europe. Anthropogenic disturbances of these ecosystems cause open niches in their littoral zones and allow C. helmsii to form dominant stands, especially under nutrient enrichment. Eradication of this amphibious and clonal plant is, however, difficult and costly once a large population has established. For this reason, we here explore a novel ecosystem resilience approach (ERA) to control this species. This approach includes supressing the species by facilitating the occurrence and expansion of native vegetation. This requires a set-back of C. helmsii’s abundance by actively reducing its biomass, and the rehabilitation of optimal environmental conditions for native species. Our ERA study in four nature areas shows that restoring abiotic conditions, a one-time reduction of C. helmsii’s biomass and the introduction of native species makes the ecosystem more resilient against invasions, as shown by less recolonization of this invasive plant species. Therefore, we state that ERA can effectively be applied in practice to decrease the invasibility of ecosystems by C. helmsii. Effectiveness, costs and benefits, and recommendations for application in practice are discussed. Overall, we argue that incorporating ERA in nature- and water management will provide more sustainable solutions in terms of biodiversity as well as economics for invasive species prevention and control.

Metadata Access
Creator Loop, J.M.M. van der; Kleef, H.H. van; Veenhuisen, L.S. van; Lamers, L.P.M.; Leuven, R.S.E.W.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Radboud University
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format xlsx; txt; R; pdf; ods
Discipline Biology; Life Sciences