Hamburg Adult Bilingual LAnguage (HABLA)


Original Data: Audio recordings (semi-spontaneous interviews) with German/Italian and German/French bilingual speakers aged approx. 15-55 years at the recording sessions. The simultaneous bilinguals with German and French/Italian as L1s have been recorded twice, i.e. once for each language. The successive bilinguals with German as L1 and French/Italian as L2, or French/Italian as L1 and German as L1 all have AOAs between 11 and 38 years and have been recorded using their L2.

Corpus: The Hamburg Adult Bilingual LAnguage (HABLA) corpus was compiled between July 2009 and June 2011 in the research project Linguistic Features of First Language Attrition and Second Language Acquisition in Adult Bilinguals (German-French and German-Italian) (E11, principal investigator: Tanja Kupisch), part of the Collaborative Research Centre "Multilingualism", funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and hosted by the University of Hamburg.

Kupisch, Tanja, Dagmar Barton, Giulia Bianchi, and Ilse Stangen. 2012. "The HABLA-Corpus (German-French and German-Italian)." In Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, edited by Thomas Schmidt and Kai Wörner, pp. 163–79. Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism, 14. John Benjamins.


CLARIN Metadata summary for Hamburg Adult Bilingual LAnguage (HABLA) (CMDI-based)

Title: Hamburg Adult Bilingual LAnguage (HABLA) Description: Audio recordings (semi-spontaneous interviews) with German/Italian and German/French bilingual speakers aged approx. 15-55 years at the recording sessions. The simultaneous bilinguals with German and French/Italian as L1s have been recorded twice, i.e. once for each language. The successive bilinguals with German as L1 and French/Italian as L2, or French/Italian as L1 and German as L1 all have AOAs between 11 and 38 years and have been recorded using their L2. Publication date: 2011-06-30 Data owner: Tanja Kupisch, Institut für Romanistik / Von-Melle-Park 6 / D-20146 Hamburg, Contributors: Tanja Kupisch, Institut für Romanistik / Von-Melle-Park 6 / D-20146 Hamburg, (compiler) Project: E11 "Linguistic Aspects of Language Attrition and Second Language Acquisition in adult bilinguals (German-French and German-Italian)", German Research Foundation (DFG) Keywords: cross-sectional data, simultaneous bilingualism, successive bilingualism, L2 data, language attrition, adult bilingualism, EXMARaLDA Languages: German (deu), French (fra), Italian (ita) Size: 140 speakers (88 female, 49 male, 3 unknown), 169 communications, 169 recordings, 4748 minutes, 169 transcriptions, 737797 words Temporal Coverage: 2009-07-01/2011-10-01 Spatial Coverage: Hamburg, DE; Lyon, FR; Berlin, DE; Lyon, DE; IT Genre: discourse Modality: spoken

Kupisch, Tanja, Dagmar Barton, Giulia Bianchi, and Ilse Stangen. 2012. "The HABLA-Corpus (German-French and German-Italian)." In Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis, edited by Thomas Schmidt and Kai Wörner, pp. 163–79. Hamburg Studies in Multilingualism, 14. John Benjamins.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Kupisch, Tanja
Publisher Universität Hamburg
Publication Year 2009
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International; Open Access;; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language French
Resource Type Dataset
Version 0.2
Discipline Humanities; Linguistics