Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Local Alcohol Consumption Survey was designed as a pilot covering a sample of Local Authorities (LAs) which were chosen to provide coverage of all regions and types of LA. There is an absence of reliable information at LA level about alcohol consumption, primarily because of the prohibitive cost of collecting this data for all LAs. The primary aims of the survey were to provide reliable consumption estimates for a large sample of LAs and to provide a mechanism for validating other modelled estimates of alcohol consumption by LA. Data for 25 LAs were collected by Ipsos MORI under contract to Public Health England between 29 February and 25 April 2016. A report based on the survey is available on the GOV.UK Local alcohol consumption: national survey results webpage.
Main Topics:
The data cover alcohol consumption patterns; reasons for abstaining; impact of alcohol consumption; and participation in campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption.
Simple random sample
Postal survey