These dataset contains multi proxy data from short sediment core 16-KP-04-L19B obtained from Arctic glacial lake Rauchuagytgyn (N 67.7888, E 168.7380) by gravity coring during the Chukotka 2018 expedition (Siberia). We provide original count data of diatom species from 20 samples along a ca. 10.5 cm interval in the sediment core, next to organic carbon, nitrogen, and mercury concentrations. The data sets provides, calculated from the original data, estimated accumulation rates for diatom valves (diatom accumulation rate, DAR), organic carbon (organic carbon accumulation rates, OCAR), and mercury (Hg accumulation rates, HgAR).
210Pb and 137Cs activities analyzed by direct gamma assay in the Liverpool University Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory, using Ortec HPGe GWL series well-type coaxial low background intrinsic germanium detectors - gamma emissions at 46.5 keV (210Pb) and at 662 keV (137Cs).