Isotope-dependent site occupation of hydrogen in epitaxial titanium hydride nanofilms

Identification of the hydrogen lattice location in crystals is key to understanding and controlling hydrogen-induced properties. Combining nuclear reaction analysis with the ion channeling technique, we experimentally determined the locations of H and D in epitaxial nanofilms of titanium hydrides. It was found that 11 at.% of H are located at the octahedral site with the remaining H atoms in the tetrahedral site. Density functional theory calculations revealed that the structures with the partial octahedral site occupation are stabilized by the Fermi level shift and Jahn-Teller effect induced by hydrogen. In contrast, D was found to solely occupy the tetrahedral site owing to the mass effect on the zero-point vibrational energy. These findings suggest that site occupation of hydrogen can be controlled by changing the isotope mixture ratio, which leads to promising manifestation of novel hydrogen-related phenomena.

Metadata Access
Creator Ozawa, Takahiro; Sugisawa, Yuki; Komatsu, Yuya; Shimizu, Ryota; Hitosugi, Taro; Sekiba, Daiichiro; Yamauchi, Kunihiko; Hamada, Ikutaro; Fukutani, Katsuyuki
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering