The dataset is composed of chemical analysis results and the NIR spectra of 490 solid animal organic waste products that were collected in 2 campaigns conducted in 2018 and 2019. The sampling was designed to capture the large diversity of animal species (mainly cattle, pigs and poultry), type of farming and storage modes). Compositional parameters (dry matter, organic matter, total and ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents) were analyzed according to French AFNOR standards. Samples were scanned using a Q-interline AgriQuant B8 equipped with a patented spiral sampler, which aggregates the heterogeneity of the sample.
This dataset covers a wide range of variability in the composition of solid animal manure, and is of great interest to chemometricians and agronomists in search of references on the fertilizing value of these products.